Quick Tips & Getting Around

Jordan is relatively expensive for the region. Budget hotels charge on average J$8 to J$12 (US$11 to US$17). Tourist sites are pricey. I saved money on food, as restaurant/takeaway food seemed similar to Egypt (i.e. not so good), but triple the price.

Most of the good crafts in Jordan are actually imported from other countries and more costly—if Jordan is the only country you visit, by all means buy souvenirs, but if you happen to be traveling throughout the region, you'll find better bargains elsewhere.

Bring an International Student ID—the discounts are substantial.

If you enter Jordan by ferry from Egypt, the visa is included in the fare. Otherwise, visas cost J$10.

Set aside J$5 for the exit tax—border officials are not guaranteed to have change for other currencies..

The absolute best source of information is Jordan Jubilee. The author, Ruth, is an expert on independent travel in the country. The site is extensive, but she will answer questions as well.

Getting Around

Public transportation in Jordan generally means minibuses. Uncomfortable and cramped, with no luggage storage, these vans run almost any route that isn't between Amman and another major city. You will have to wait for the van to fill up before leaving, although, if asked directly, the drivers will pretend there's a schedule. From the given time, assume you'll be waiting at least 30 minutes for enough passengers to arrive. Then you'll wait another 30 minutes, which will be used for tracking down passengers who got tired of waiting and left to smoke, get snacks, or take their kids to the bathroom, and for finding the driver.

In one unfortunate instance, I got on a regular-size bus that still operated under the policy of departing only after being filled. I was lucky to be one of the last ones, but a girl next to me told me she'd been waiting 3 hours, essentially chained to her seat in fear it would suddenly depart without her!

The only taxis with meters (that I noticed) are the yellow taxis in Amman. Bargain for a price for white taxis in Amman and taxis everywhere else.

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Jordan: A Speed Tour

All photos & text © Nancy Chuang 2012