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My baby needs cigarettes | Coney Island


September 12, 2009


Olympus OM-2N | Fuji Neopan 1600 @ 3200
So this woman walks up and without any preamble demands a smoke from Shoot the Freak manager Tommy. With the wisdom of his 25 years, Tommy refused, sweetly saying he was morally opposed (while chain-smoking, of course). This pissed her off to no end...as if she were entitled to FREE cigs from strangers, anyway??

Nineteen-year-old "freak" Eric did not have such qualms, but rather than give up a fresh one, gave her the smoked half of his. Then he added, "you know, your baby's gonna be REAL small," spacing his hands apart to indicate some sort of 6-inch-long mini-child.

She classily informed him that her baby needed her to smoke or it would go into withdrawals, and that her other 5 children had been raised the same way. I don't think she was over 30.

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