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TESFA day 3 | North Wollo, Ethiopia


January 7, 2008


Olympus OM-2n | Delta 100
Most of these kids are young enough that they wouldn't know any other option than digital cameras...which is why they were uniformly disappointed I couldn't show them my pictures. I found it sort of funny in a place without electricity or running water that digital cameras are considered commonplace...at least for the various ferenjos that stroll by the fields.

TESFA (Tourism in Ethiopia for Sustainable Future Alternatives) runs treks through the communities of Meket Woreda, North Wollo. It's a great opportunity to get off the beaten path. We visited villagers at their homes, churches and farms, viewed beautiful highland scenery, and were swarmed by very excitable children at every turn—not one who wanted anything more than to shake our hands.

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