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Bus to Kyaukme | Myanmar


May 25, 2012


Olympus OM-2N | Kodak Tri-x
Three visits to Kyaukme, three times on the damn stupid cargo bus. I don't understand how this keeps happening! The first year I transferred directly from another bus, without a ticket, was the last one on, and that seemed to make sense. Both subsequent times I bought my ticket a day in advance. Why, I ask you? Yet each time when returning to Mandalay, I could book a ticket on the totally normal passengers-only bus.

2008--it was transporting tomatoes in crates along the extra-deep floor, so the bus could only crawl at snail's pace.
2011--it was transporting hard plums, so the bus could move normally, but we still had to walk across crates to get to the seats.
2012--this bus had fewer rows of seats so most of the rice sacks were in the back, so we could dangle our feet in the still-extra-deep floor.

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